..Racing has your disease. The cost of race experience examined – kind of. Money – mŭn′ē Before ploughing on with the final installment of those No Experience posts, now slated for posting next week, I decided to compose today’s entry to this humble digital hermitage with respect to costs. Yes, costs, as in….the absolute financial …
Author Archives: SimCadet
Part 2 – No experience? No big deal! Right..?
The advantage of Karting and Junior Formula experience….and severe disadvantages of not having any! In my last post I described a racing driver’s typical route into a professional career and started to touch on different career paths. Before continuing the discussion on the advantages of acquiring such experience over a multi-year junior program, I thought …
Continue reading “Part 2 – No experience? No big deal! Right..?”
No experience? No big deal! Right..?
The advantage of Karting and Junior Formula experience….and severe disadvantages of not having any! Experience – ĭk-spîr′ē-əns After considering it for some days now, I decided to pen the next few (read: several) posts discussing a few of the major challenges I face in greater detail. This may seem to readers like strange points to …
Have you thought to consult with someone first?
“You will never, ever, EVER be a f*ckin’ racing driver, you disgusting, fat motherf*cker! You’re just an old piece of sub-human garbage!” Advice – [ədˈvīs] If you are here reading this after the first three posts, you decided to pull up a comfortable chair and take in a really long-winded story. I really appreciate that, …
Continue reading “Have you thought to consult with someone first?”
…but why racing?
Ineluctable – ĭn″ĭ-lŭk′tə-bəl If your own morbid curiosity (or your appetite for my potentially delectable future schadenfreude) brought you back to this isolated slice of the world wide web, I have to assume your curiosity is focused on why I would subject myself to such potential and very public embarrassment. You must have wandered back …
From sim to…wait, what?
Stig – Stĭg This blog reaches a milestone today, having hit the ripe young age of…two posts. In other words it’s due season I explained a few of the directions this pile of disorganized text could potentially go in, and what better place to start than the title of this very blog? With respect to …
Introduction to…the passenger seat?
Suit up, kids… this could be a long and painful ride. Passenger – păs′ən-jər I am a prospective racing driver. Even simply typing that opening line and hearing it in my head in my own voice sounds a bit strange at this stage. At the time of writing I am about one year into my …